Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Everyday a new adventure

There have been many times in my life (especially the last 5 years) what I have felt that I lead a fairly predictable life. Happily married, 2 cats, mediocre job, not too much left to chance. But 2009 has been a topsy-tervy, wild ride and its just beginning!

At the beginning of the year we decided it was time to start a family. A decision that neither one of us took lightly. After careful planning and preparation I went off birth control in March. By May I was pregnant and blissfully excited! To add to the family news my sister found out she was pregnant a mere 2 1/2 weeks before me! BIG CHANGE!

After reality set in we realized just how much needed to change to prepare us for this baby. For various reasons we are going to need to get rid of both of our cats. A decision that breaks my heart but I feel is the right thing for our growing family. AGAIN BIG CHANGE!

In further preparation we decided that it was finally time for Michael to go back to school! He has been accepted into InverHills Community college and had his orientation today. He is registered for classes (for fall semester) and we should hear from financial aid by the end of the week. I'm so very excited for him and this new challenge in his life. I'm slightly jealous of his new adventure but I know that this is SO good for him and for us. EVEN BIGGER CHANGE!

With predictability out the window and change abounding I somehow feel a strange twinge of excitement! I know much of it won't be easy and scared is a mild term for the feeling I'm going to become very familiar with but I have no doubt that it will all be completely worth it!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm 10 Weeks Pregnant!

Week 10

How Big is the Baby at Ten Weeks Pregnant?
Your baby is getting big... in fact, by pregnancy week 10 your baby is big enough to start being weighed! By pregnancy week 10 your baby will measure between 31 and 42 mm or a little more than an inch and a half! Your baby is about the size of a lime, maybe slightly larger by now.

Your Baby's Growth and Development
By the end of pregnancy 10 weeks your baby will have moved past the embryonic period, and will begin the 'fetal' period. The fetal period is the time when your fetus will grow rapidly. By week ten your baby is less at risk for congenital malformations, which usually occur during the first nine weeks of pregnancy. You should breathe a big sigh of relief by the end of pregnancy week 10 now that this important developmental stage is past!

It is important however that you know that any exposure to toxins even during this time or throughout your pregnancy week by week can be damaging or harmful for your fetus. Your baby's health and well being depend in large part upon your ability to take care to protect them during the duration of your pregnancy.

One of the more common exposures that women may not consider during pregnancy is second hand smoke. Second hand smoke can be harmful particularly during pregnancy. If you find yourself in an environment where people are smoking, remove yourself as quickly as possible. Don't hesitate to address your needs or assert yourself during this all important time. Most people will certainly understand your concerns and will be more than happy to accommodate any requests to avoid exposing your baby to unnecessary toxins.

By the end of pregnancy week 10 your baby's organ systems are growing quickly. Now internal organs are starting to form and the vital organs including the liver, kidney, intestines and brain will start functioning. In the next three weeks alone your baby's length will grow exponentially. Tiny details will start appearing on your baby's body, including items such as toenails. If you were to look really closely you might even notice some peach fuzz growing on your baby's skin! By now your baby will be consumed with swallowing and kicking. That's right, your baby will swallow amniotic fluid during your pregnancy. Consider it a practice run for breathing once she is born!

Spinal nerves are also visible at this point in pregnancy, and your baby's liver is busy making blood cells.

Pregnancy Medical Facts!
Pregnancy Weight Gain and the Health of Your Newborn Baby
Either excessive pregnancy weight gain or inadequate weight gain is associated with adverse infant outcomes. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has set guidelines for weight gain in pregnancy. Pregnancy weight gain above the recommended IOM guidelines is more common that pregnancy weight gain below the guidelines. Unfortunately, women who gain weight in pregnancy in excess of the recommended guidelines give birth to babies with more problems than babies born to women who gained weight within the recommended guidelines. It is also know that inadequate weight gain during pregnancy clearly places your baby at an increased risk for problems at birth. Weight gain in pregnancy both over and under the recommended Institute of Medicine guidelines will increase the changes of your baby having problems at delivery and after. The better controlled your pregnancy weight gain is the healthier your baby will be at birth.

The evidence continues to mount regarding the value of breastfeeding for both mom and baby. Human milk provides developmental, nutritional, and immunologic benefits to the infant that cannot be duplicated by formula feeding. With the development of iron-fortified formula in the late 1950s, breastfeeding rates began to decrease as formula feeding gained popularity. Since that time breastfeeding have been increasing but they have not yet reached the goal set by the U.S. Public health Service for 75% of mothers to initiate breastfeeding after delivery.

Your Growth and Development
You may think you are starting to show by pregnancy 10 weeks, but most people still probably can't tell that you are pregnant yet. That is ok! After pregnancy week 10 and in the next few weeks you will start seeing some changes in your profile, your partner may have already commented on your ever so slightly more rounded belly!

Changes in You
Hang in there, now that you are 10 weeks pregnant just a couple more weeks and you should start realizing some significant relief from morning sickness!

By 10 weeks pregnant you are probably starting to feel more and more positive about your pregnancy. You have probably had the opportunity by now to hear your baby's heartbeat for the first time at your doctor's office. The sound of your baby's heartbeat for the first time will probably send you and your partner to the moon and back.

If you haven't invited your partner to accompany you to your prenatal visits by pregnancy at 10 weeks, you might consider doing so now. Though many are 'run of the mill' checks, your partner will feel more a part of your pregnancy week by week and more helpful and supportive if they are invited to your prenatal visits. During your visits your partner and you will also have the opportunity to discuss any questions and concerns you may be having about your pregnancy. Your partner may even think of a few questions you may never have even considered!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Falling for a man named Sheldon!

Anyone who knows me (or has met me in passing) has figured out that Friends is by far my favorite tv show of all time! That hasn't changed (and probably never will) but I have recently discovered a new show that nearly rivals my love for Friends! Its absolute hilarity in every episode!

"Leonard and Sheldon are brilliant physicists, the kind of "beautiful minds" that understand how the universe works. But none of that genius helps them interact with people, especially women. All this begins to change when a free-spirited beauty named Penny moves in next door. Sheldon, Leonard's roommate, is quite content spending his nights playing Klingon Boggle with their socially dysfunctional friends, fellow CalTech scientists Wolowitz and Koothrappali. However, Leonard sees in Penny a whole new universe of possibilities... including love." -CBS

I have seen the first two seasons and would highly recommend it to anyone who likes to laugh! Season one DVD's are on sale now and I have seen them as low as $15 on sale at target. If you see it for a good deal BUY IT!! You won't be sorry. :-)
Happy Watching!

Friday, July 17, 2009

I am 9 Weeks Pregnant

Ok so I'm a couple days late with this one. Sorry...Life gets busy I guess. :-)

Week 9

How Big is the Baby at Nine Weeks Pregnant?
By pregnancy week 9 your baby is between 22 and 30 mm long, (that's about an inch) or about the size of a large grape. Your baby weighs less than one ounce at 9 weeks pregnant, but will soon start putting on weight dramatically as you continue your pregnancy week by week.

Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is growing like crazy during pregnancy week 9.
Ultrasound pregnancy week 9
By pregnancy 9 weeks most of the aspects of your baby's physical structure such as head, arms, legs and torso are in place. If you were to peek in on your little one you'd find they resemble a miniature human being (one with a very large head!). Because your baby's organs and limbs are forming, in the next few weeks your baby will be putting on weight. Your baby's tail should have disappeared by now, and your baby's organs and muscles should be functioning on their own. It's hard to believe that something so small can function so completely isn't it!

During pregnancy 9 weeks your baby's eyelids will fuse shut and won't open up again until your baby is about 27 weeks along. Your baby's face is becoming more distinct every day, with the mouth, nose and nostrils becoming clearly visible. By nine weeks your little one will even have developed sex organs, however your healthcare provider won't be able to discern them quite yet. Typically the sex of your baby can be determined by ultrasound between 18 and 20 weeks gestation.

Your baby's heart should have divided into four separate chambers by pregnancy week 9, as your baby swims about gleefully in her warm and cozy home.

Your Growth and Development

Your uterus is still growing at 9 weeks pregnant, now closer to a small cantaloupe than a grapefruit. By pregnancy week 9 you may notice that you feel more bloated and lethargic than ever before. You may notice an increase in weight gain, which may be more associated with fluid retention than actual weight. This may apply throughout your pregnancy week by week. One thing you should avoid doing while pregnant is weighing yourself every day. Weight gain can fluctuate as much as 1-5 pounds in the course of a single day, and such fluctuations can be discouraging. If you can hold off until your prenatal visits, you might avoid the pain of constant weight fluctuations. If however you are determined to weigh yourself frequently during pregnancy, consider weighing once a week, at the same time of day right after you get up in the morning and void your bladder. Doing so will provide the most consistent results and will help eliminate excessive worries about daily weight changes. A new pair of maternity jeans will relieve the anxiety related to weight fluctuations.

Not all the weight you gain is stored as fat. At birth your baby may weigh between 6 to 8 pounds. The uterus expands during pregnancy and may weigh about 2 pounds. The afterbirth or placenta generally weighs 1.5 pounds. Your breast tissue will grow during pregnancy and may weigh up to 1.5 to 2 pounds. Your blood volume will increase and add up to 4 pounds of weight. The fluid retained by your body during pregnancy can weigh as much as 4 pounds. The amniotic fluid surrounding your baby will weigh approximately 2 pounds. The maternal fat stores will add about 7 pounds of weight to your total weight gain. By the end of pregnancy you will gain approximately 18 to 35 pounds.

Here's the skinny on losing pregnancy weight after you deliver your baby... most women will lose the bulk of their pregnancy weight in the first three months after delivery. In general you will lose 10-13 pounds during the birthing process from the weight of the infant and placenta. An additional 7-11 pounds will be lost after the first postpartum week. The remaining extra pounds will be shed with good eating habits and a regular exercise program. You will be back to your normal weight and fitting into your pre-pregnancy clothes in just a short few months as long as you take care to exercise and eat healthily in the weeks following pregnancy.

Changes in You
Many women start experiencing pregnancy related mood swings and anxiety during pregnancy at 9 weeks. You may alternate feelings of elation with feelings of trepidation. Many women find themselves crying over small things like commercials when pregnant. Remember that this is perfectly normal, and largely the result of the increased number of hormones floating through your system. Higher than normal levels of progesterone can also lead to more fatigue which can influence your moods.

If this isn't your first pregnancy, by 9 weeks pregnant you may have noticed that your belly has 'popped' just a bit. This is an exciting time, though many women look forward to the months where they are actually showing and not simply looking a little rounder than usual.

Some unpleasant pregnancy symptoms that might pop up during this pregnancy at 9 weeks are bloating and gassiness. Many women find they are more prone to flatulence and burping, as well as highly abnormal guttural sounds during pregnancy. Relax, and know that these too are normal and simply the result of increasing hormone levels, particularly progesterone in your body.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

First Doctors Appointment

Well Mike and I went to our first Doctors Appointment today. It was very informative but pretty low key. We just met with one of the nurses today. They took a urine sample (Which I'm getting very good at giving) then checked my weight (I'm still down 1 lb from my pre-pregnancy weight) then they took about 5 viles of blood and checked my blood pressure. Over all she said I'm very healthy and am doing everything right. She gave us a ton of information to look over. I was very excited to get a list of safe medications! I thought the only thing I was able to take was Tylenol and was very pleased to see a few other items on the list. I'm also looking forward to taking a tour of the hospital. Woodwinds Hospital is beautiful and everyone we talked to today both in the hospital and in the OB/GYN office were very nice. I'm really happy with the decision to deliver there. I'm really more excited for our next visit. We will get to meet the doctor and hear the heartbeat! I'm hoping it will feel a little more real at that point. It still doesn't feel real yet. Everyone I talk to says either hearing the heart beat or feeling it kick for the first time is what triggers the realization that this is actually happening. We'll see which one does it for me. The next appointment is set for August 13. Can't wait!

Monday, July 13, 2009

So Far So Good

I have been very blessed so far with this pregnancy. It doesn't even feel real yet because I've had it so easy. I haven't started to show yet. At least not that anyone else would notice. I'm noticing a bit of bloat but that's just because my body has looked the same way for so long that I'm seeing little things now. I haven't had any morning sickness or any major fatigue. I mean I get tired after a long day but who doesn't. Over all the few things I have noticed are either minor irritants or barely noticeable. I can only hope and pray the rest of my pregnancy goes this smoothly!
One thing that started this week is my "girls" have begun to grow and therefor hurt all the time! I'm not sure what is more frightening, 7 more months of painful bazoombas or the end result of being the new Pam Anderson!! Then you have the quandary of where to find maternity bras? I'm currently a 32 around and I fear that if I go into a maternity store and ask for something that small the other mothers-to-be may run me out with sticks :-) lol We'll see what I end up with. Here's hoping that the next 7 months are as easy as the first 2!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Snotty, the 8th dwarf

Having a cold is always a bit annoying but I have tried in the past to look at it as my body’s way of telling me to slow down. (Something I have NEVER been good at) However, as with most things I’m learning, having a cold while pregnant is down right unacceptable! My head is splitting from the sinus pressure and I can’t breath due to the congestion and there not a gosh darn thing I can do about it. I would never do anything to harm the human I’m growing but I sure would love a Benadryl or Dayquil right about now! Hopefully my immune system is as speedy as my metabolism seems to be lately!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I am 8 weeks pregnant!

Week 8

How Big is the Baby at Eight Weeks Pregnant?
Think bean! By pregnancy week 8 your baby is anywhere from 14 to 20mm long, or about the size of a Lima bean! Many women in fact continue to refer to their baby as their little 'bean' as they follow their pregnancy week by week. Though it is hard to believe your little bean will one day grow into a full size baby!

Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is doing a lot of growing during pregnancy 8 weeks. Up until this point in time your baby had a small tail... that starts to disappear this week, and your little one will soon have eyelids to cover their blossoming eyes. While the arms and legs are also lengthening, the fingers and toes are likely to still be webbed. Your baby's brain is also maturing during pregnancy week 8, as nerve cells begin to connect with one another, forming the groundwork for communication later in life.

Did you know the tip of your baby's nose is even formed by pregnancy 8 weeks? The lungs are also working hard at maturing by pregnancy week 8, though they won't be fully mature until near term. However, tubes leading from your baby's throat to the lungs begin to form branches.

By week eight your baby should also have distinct elbows, which allow the arms to curve around the chest. Your baby's organs continue to develop with lightning quick speed. Before you have time to even blink an eye your little one will resemble a miniature human being, complete with ten fingers, ten toes, skin and all the body parts we all have!

Your Growth and Development
You are definitely starting to grow by 8 weeks pregnant inside as your uterus continues to expand, however it is likely that you still are not showing much on the outside. This is particularly true of first time moms, though as we mentioned you will likely start feeling some tightening along your waistline. You may want to start looking for maternity jeans.

Your healthcare provider might tell you that your uterus is now about the size of a grapefruit by pregnancy at 8 weeks. That is a lot of progress from its pre-pregnancy state, where it was smaller than a plum!

Women who have been pregnant before often report showing sooner than they did with their first pregnancy. While it is not uncommon to not start showing until the fifth month the first time around, many moms report that they started showing as early as eight weeks with their second and third pregnancies. If you are carrying twins or triplets, you will start showing sooner than your singleton peers, as your babies will be taking up a lot more room in the uterus.

Changes in You
During pregnancy at 8 weeks it is very likely that you have started to notice some breast changes. Aside from some tenderness you may notice that your breasts appear slightly enlarged. Most women will experience some breast growth during pregnancy week by week, particularly near the end of pregnancy when the breasts prepare to make breast milk for the baby. You may even start thinking of looking into nursing clothing basics.

Your waistline may continue to seem thick to you, though onlookers will not be able to tell you are pregnant. You are probably consumed with fatigue, and still battling some nausea. Remember that the symptoms associated with early pregnancy pass with time, and most women go on to find their pregnancies rewarding and enjoyable.

If you are having a particularly rough time with sore breasts, consider purchasing a supportive maternity bra. You should consider buying one a size or two bigger than your normal size, as you will need room to grow during pregnancy. A maternity bra may in fact be one of your very first purchases, even before you buy any maternity or baby clothes!

Some women notice some mild abdominal cramping midway through their first trimester. This is a very common experience and may continue for several weeks. The cramping is usually mild and does not cause any harm. Your physician may recommend you rest and stay off your feet if you are having abdominal cramping. Remember that your body is also accommodating a growing fetus, and your uterus is stretching, a process that might cause some discomfort over time. If you have any unusual abdominal pain or cramping however that is persistent and worrisome, or if you experience any cramping accompanied by bleeding be sure to contact your healthcare provider's office right away.

You may be having a lower backache by now. This is common and is a result of the pressure the uterus is applying to the low part of the spine. You may be experiencing a sharp pain in your buttocks and along the side of your thigh as well. This is due to the uterus placing pressure on the sciatic nerve that innervates the buttocks and side of your leg. If these discomforts are troublesome, you may be asked to rest and have physical therapy

First things first

I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Kristen, I'm happily married to my best friend Mike and will have been for 5 years in August. We just found out we are expecting our first child. I am currently 2 months pregnant and being that its my first, I have already learned SO much! We are both more excited then words can say. I have Celiac Disease and have been gluten free for almost a year and a half. I've pretty much got it down pat at this point but am always looking for good tips. Aside from that I have been blessed with incredibly supportive family and the best friends a girl could ask for. As for the rest...you'll just have to wait and see.