We had our 2nd doctors appointment last Wednesday! I am 13 weeks and everything is moving along just fine. I'm healthy and the baby looks good. I'm still 1lb under my pre-pregnancy weight but the Doctor said that normal and as long as the baby is growing my weight doesn't really matter. We got to meet our Doctor and she is Super nice! I'm really happy with everyone at the clinic, they are all so very sweet. We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time! It was really neat. The nurse found it on the first try which for some reason impressed me. :-) We opted to do the first trimester screening for chromosomal abnormalities (basically looking for down syndrome and the like) We went back and forth on the testing because we would NEVER terminate the pregnancy so I didn't know what the benefit of the testing would be but our Doctor said it would mentally prepare us if something were wrong and we would be more careful when it came to labor and delivery because a sick baby won't have as many reserves. Made sense to me so we went for it. Part of that testing is an ultrasound. What a pleasant surprise. I got to see my baby!!! Now everyone told me that hearing the heartbeat would make it feel real and would probably make me cry. I thought it was cool but I didn't feel the earth move. The ultrasound is where it hit home for me. Not just seeing the picture but seeing it move and kick inside of me was really amazing.

I'm still feeling really great all things considered. Little symptoms here and there but overall I've been blessed with an easy pregnancy so far. Our next apt will be at 20 weeks and we will do a 3D ultrasound to find out the sex!!! Seven weeks seems like a long time to wait but I'm sure I can make it.
I am so happy for you hun! I am glad the pregnancy is going well. you will love pregnancy, and being a mother and you will be a wonderful mother too! I know that because so many times you gave me great advice! again, congrats. don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions at all