Well Mike and I went to our first Doctors Appointment today. It was very informative but pretty low key. We just met with one of the nurses today. They took a urine sample (Which I'm getting very good at giving) then checked my weight (I'm still down 1 lb from my pre-pregnancy weight) then they took about 5 viles of blood and checked my blood pressure. Over all she said I'm very healthy and am doing everything right. She gave us a ton of information to look over. I was very excited to get a list of safe medications! I thought the only thing I was able to take was Tylenol and was very pleased to see a few other items on the list. I'm also looking forward to taking a tour of the hospital. Woodwinds Hospital is beautiful and everyone we talked to today both in the hospital and in the OB/GYN office were very nice. I'm really happy with the decision to deliver there. I'm really more excited for our next visit. We will get to meet the doctor and hear the heartbeat! I'm hoping it will feel a little more real at that point. It still doesn't feel real yet. Everyone I talk to says either hearing the heart beat or feeling it kick for the first time is what triggers the realization that this is actually happening. We'll see which one does it for me. The next appointment is set for August 13. Can't wait!
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