I have been blessed to have a really easy and enjoyable pregnancy and while that hasn't changed I have hit a new phase! I am Hungry constantly. I'm not sure that sentence is entirely accurate...I am STARVING EVERY SINGLE MINUTE!! Up until now I have grazed on healthy food and been satisfied. I have been able to keep my eating in check but about a week ago that all seemed to go out the window. Don't get me wrong I know I'm not "eating for two" but being famished just an hour after you eat seems so lame to me. I didn't want to be one of those "stuff-your-face-because-you-have-an-excuse" pregnant chicks! Example: I was working on the computer the other night and after about an hour of not paying attention, the television in the background finally got to me. I was trying to tune it out but my loving and unaware husband was watching the food network!!! Is he trying to kill me?!?! I kindly (I think) asked him to choose another program and he did but I went to sleep that night dreaming of donuts and hamburgers. Here's hoping I don't gain another 25 lbs in the next 6 weeks because of this!!